2 easy ways to make text bigger in Firefox (Windows or Mac ...



Change the fonts and colors websites use

Under Fonts and ColorsFonts, use the drop-down menus to select the font and font size of your choice. ... Firefox use the colors specified by the web page author.

Firefox Font Size | The ILR School

Having trouble reading text in Mozilla Firefox? Increase the font size! To increase the page size, click View, select Zoom In (or hold down Ctrl and press ...

Font size and zoom

Zoom is a feature which allows you to increase or decrease either the size of a web page or the size of the text. This article explains how it works.

How to Increase or Decrease Font Size in Firefox

2021年5月3日 — Method 2: Change Firefox's Font Settings · Open Firefox. · Click on the hamburger menu icon. · Click on Options. · Scroll down to Fonts and ...

How to make text larger in Firefox for Windows 11

2021年11月24日 — Step by step guide ; Open the Firefox settings · Click the Menu button and select Settings ; Increase the default zoom level · Select a new Default ...

Toolbar text size.

2021年1月15日 — Double-click the layout.css.devPixelsPerPx preference to display an editing field. Change the value to 1.5 which means 150% and then press Enter ...


UnderFontsandColorsFonts,usethedrop-downmenustoselectthefontandfontsizeofyourchoice....Firefoxusethecolorsspecifiedbythewebpageauthor.,HavingtroublereadingtextinMozillaFirefox?Increasethefontsize!Toincreasethepagesize,clickView,selectZoomIn(orholddownCtrlandpress ...,Zoomisafeaturewhichallowsyoutoincreaseordecreaseeitherthesizeofawebpageorthesizeofthetext.Thisarticleexplainshowitworks.,,2021年...


